
OVM: OEL 5.7 Kernel panic on OVM 3

If you are trying to create a new virtual machine on Oracle VM Manager with a Oracle Enterprise Linux 5.7 or a Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.7 as an O.S.; a kernel panic error may appear:
Kernel panic - not syncing: Attempted to kill init!

You can solve this issue adding an option atribute on the grub loader. Enter the grub menu and press 'a' key to append a new attribute, type the option xen_emul_unplug=never as shown below:

Now, your VM will boot normally!

Remember to edit the /etc/grub.conf file, adding the xen_emul_unplug=never option for the next boot!




ODC: How to scan and commit files to UCM

Oracle offers in its Enterprise Content Management (ECM) suite solutions for the capture and document recognition. Oracle Document Capture (ODC) 10g is a desktop application designed to capture documents for, later, recognize some areas and metadata and index them against a target repository which can be a file system, a database, Content Server UCM, etc.

Oracle Document Capture incorporates other features such as indexing, recognition and import of documents in a customized and programmable batch processes. It also includes the Oracle Distributed Document Capture (ODDC) technology, an application based on a web interface to scan and index documents in a distributed environment.

You can follow a guide to install and configure the software here: http://studentsatoracle.blogspot.com/2010/11/odc-install-and-configure-oracle.html

In the viewlet below, you can follow a tutorial to prepare the software to scan invoices (in this example) and index it in a Oracle UCM Content Server. The viewlet shows all the needed steps to be able to scan and index and how to capture metadata automatically using OCR zones.

Oracle's oficial documentation for ECM 10g
Installation guide for ODC

Oracle ODC and ODDC

(Duration: 8 min.)


Webcenter: Build and use Taskflows from Data Controls

In Enterprise 2.0 applications is important to have a flexible and customizable screens that make easy the navigation and the interaction for users. So with Oracle Webcenter Suite 11g you are able to create new Business Mashups easily and will help you to show graphical information, interact with a database, ...

In the example below, we are adding the two kinds of mashups to a Webcenter Spaces page. The first one is a SQL Data Control that will fetch data from a database table and the second one is a webservice deployed on the Weblogic application server that will insert data from the Webcenter page to the same database table.

Note: You can follow this guide to deploy a new Webservice

Once the mashups are added, the video is showing how to test it and checking it by connecting to the database through sqlplus.


jDeveloper: Create and deploy a Java Webservice

This tutorial shows how to create a simple Java Webservice using the Oracle jDeveloper 11g IDE. The attached code for the example connects to a database through JDBC and executes a SQL statement to insert a new row in a specific table.

Once the application has been configured, it will be deployed and tested in a Oracle Weblogic Server. We will execute the webservice through a web browser and check it by connecting to the database with a sqlplus console.

1) Create a generic java application and add the webservice component

2) Create a new java class and add some methods to publish. Here you have an example:
NOTE: Remember to adapt this code to your requirements.

public void InsertValue(String user, String value){
//Example from http://studentsatoracle.blogspot.com
Connection con=null;

//Configure the jdbc connection: jdbc:oracle:thin:@host:port:SID,username,passwd
con=DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:owcdb01", "DEV_WEBCENTER","welcome1");
Statement s = con.createStatement();
//Configure the SQL query as you want, the table must exists
s.execute("INSERT INTO DEV_WEBCENTER.uservalues (ID,USERNAME,INSERTDATE,VALUE) VALUES (DEV_WEBCENTER.uservalues_seq.nextval,'"+user+"',To_char(SYSDATE),"+value+")");
}catch(Exception e){
System.out.println("ERROR: "+e.getMessage());

3) Configure the webservice and publish the desired methods

4) Deploy the application. You can follow this guide to create a deployment profile: http://studentsatoracle.blogspot.com/2011/02/jdeveloper-how-to-deploy-application-to.html

5) Open a Weblogic Server console and test the application

Oracle's official documentation for jDeveloper 11g

Oracle jDeveloper 11g

(Duration: 3 min.)


Combine Partitioning, Advanced Compression and TotalRecall features in Oracle Database 11g

Using Partitioning together, Advanced Compression and TotalRecall features can reduce the workload and, thus, work more efficiently.

Partitioning provides several ways of partitioning a table into multiple subtables and define multiple criteria partition from a Partition Key.

Advanced Compression provides multiple compression features, including OLTP compression. This feature is widely explained and tested in this same blog. Follow this link if you want to explore it deeper: http://studentsatoracle.blogspot.com/2010/12/advanced-compression-in-oracle-database_03.html.

Last, but no least, TotalRecall creates a flashback file to record activity on the table, so the user can see the value that had a record of that table on a certain day and time. In addition, the user can define the time of data retention and the quota of disk space used for it.

We'll test a "worst-case" scenario using all three features on a test table. We will create a table partitioned in two subtables, each one of them having a different compression type. Also, we'll set a flashback file so we can query the values of the table for a year.

But, we'll just focus on the most efficient way of combining the three features, we won't check any metrics like execution times or compression rate.

First we must do some thinking. Partitions of a table must be defined at the create table command while compression can be either defined at the creation of the table or later with the alter table command. We can alter a partitioned table, but due to limitations of partitioning, we can't alter the compression type of a subtable. So, we'll have to define the partitions and the compression type when we create the table.

So, let's create our test table:

create table atest ( c1 number(5), c2 varchar2(5), c3 varchar2(5), primary key (c1) validate)
partition by range(c1) (
partition atest_p1 values less than(6) compress,
partition atest_p2 values less than(maxvalue) compress for oltp

With this setting, we split the newly created table test in two subtables and the criteria for the partition is the range of values at the column c1. Any item with c1 lower than 6 will go to the subtable atest_p1, while the rest will go to atest_p2. In addition, we define the compression type for the subtables. Subtable atest_p1 has a basic compression, while atest_p2 has OLTP compression.

Then we fill it a little with some silly loop:

insert into atest
select rownum, (rownum*2)+2, (rownum*3)+3
from dual connect by rownum <= 10;

Here comes the funny part. Once partitions, compression types and data are set, it's time to test the TotalRecall feature. First of all, we will need to create a new Tablespace: 

create tablespace flasharch;

Now, we'll create and set the flashback file:

create flashback archive atest_fla tablespace flasharch quota 1M retention 1 year;

Once we create the flashback, we have to alter our test table to "link" them:

alter table atest flashback archive atest_fla;

And that's all there is to it. Now, let's give it a shot.

Make a simple update, changing the values inside our test table:

update atest set c2=c2+c3+12;

Then, execute a query refering to a moment before the update. To make things more difficult, let's ask only for the values of subtable atest_p2 (change the value inside the brackets for the time before the update if testing):

select * from atest partition (atest_p2) as of timestamp to_timestamp('DD-MMM-YY hh.mm.ss');

Keep in mind that once we alter the table to the flashback, we won't be able to perform some operations on that table, mostly alter table. We'll have to drop the flashback if we want to perform major changes to the "flashbacked" table. So, while this method gives all the benefits of the three features, also has the disadvantage of making the table somewhat static and unalterable. This means there must be some previous planning, because dismantling the settings may end in loss of information. Knowing all that, the advantages of using various powerful features integrated in the database are obvious.

Thanks for reading and feel free to leave any comments or questions.


Setting listener.ora and tnsnames.ora on Amazon EC2

Every time you start your Amazon EC2 instance, your public and private DNS change. This is a problem because we have to modify the files listener.ora and tnsnames.ora many times. If not, your listener (among other things) will not work.

The following bash script creates the two files with the private ip that you pass as argument and starts the listener. The old files are renamed in the same folder (just in case you want to recover them).

Check that the LISTENER_DIR variable is correct in your system.



if [ $# -ne $EXPECTED_ARGS ]
echo "Usage: `basename $0` {private_ip}"
exit 0

cp ${LISTENER_DIR}/listener.ora ${LISTENER_DIR}/listener.ora.old

echo "LISTENER =" > ${LISTENER_DIR}/listener.ora
echo " (DESCRIPTION_LIST =" >> ${LISTENER_DIR}/listener.ora
echo " (DESCRIPTION =" >> ${LISTENER_DIR}/listener.ora
echo " (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = "${1}")(PORT = 1521))" >> ${LISTENER_DIR}/listener.ora
echo " )" >> ${LISTENER_DIR}/listener.ora
echo " )" >> ${LISTENER_DIR}/listener.ora

lsnrctl start

cp ${LISTENER_DIR}/tnsnames.ora ${LISTENER_DIR}/tnsnames.ora.old

echo "ORCL =" > ${LISTENER_DIR}/tnsnames.ora
echo " (DESCRIPTION =" >> ${LISTENER_DIR}/tnsnames.ora
echo " (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = "${1}")(PORT = 1521))" >> ${LISTENER_DIR}/tnsnames.ora
echo " (CONNECT_DATA =" >> ${LISTENER_DIR}/tnsnames.ora
echo " (SERVER = DEDICATED)" >> ${LISTENER_DIR}/tnsnames.ora
echo " (SERVICE_NAME = orcl)" >> ${LISTENER_DIR}/tnsnames.ora
echo " )" >> ${LISTENER_DIR}/tnsnames.ora
echo " )" >> ${LISTENER_DIR}/tnsnames.ora


Oracle Webcenter 11g Developer's Tutorial

Oracle Fusion Middleware has released a new tutorial for the new version of Oracle Webcenter ( which introduce users to the Webcenter Portal Framework for developers.

The tutorial covers the main features:
1) Create a web application through jDeveloper 11g
2) Modify Page Templates and Skins
3) Changing the look & feel of the application
4) Consume content from an external repository (Oracle UCM)
5) Pages permissions and runtime content editing with Oracle Composer

Tips and troubleshoot:
jDeveloper: How to deploy an application to an external WebLogic Server
jDeveloper: Connecting UCM as a repository
Setting permissions between Oracle UCM and Webcenter Spaces

Tutorial Content Materials

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